Ferdinand OS Focacceria Health Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare Supplement Plans provide supplemental coverage to help pay for some of the costs that Original Medicare++ doesn’t, such as copayments, coinsurance and deductibles. Medicare Supplement insurance is sold by private insurers who are licensed to sell it in your state. While premiums vary by company, core Medicare Supplement plan benefits are standardized across companies.Source :https://seniorhealthotg.com/medicare-advantage-plans

When to enroll

The best time to get a Medicare Supplement policy is during your open enrollment period, which begins the month you turn 65 and have Part B, and lasts for six months. During this time, companies cannot use medical underwriting to reject your application, and they must offer you the same rates as those with good health. You can also purchase a Medicare Supplement policy during your guaranteed issue period, which begins the moment you first have Medicare Part B and lasts for six months.

In most cases, Medicare Supplement policies do not include prescription drug coverage, and you will need to add an Anthem standalone plan for this coverage. These plans are available for an additional monthly premium.

To learn more about the benefits of Medicare Supplement plans, read our article: Getting Started with Your Medicare Supplement. To find a Medicare Supplement plan that meets your needs and budget, use our online tool to compare plan benefits and rates.

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